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Deep Listening and Aligned Action

by: Natasha Roya Azizi

These days there seems to be so much noise: the input from social media, news and peers, the deconstruction of what we thought was normal, the political atmosphere, continuous social injustices and so much uncertainty… it’s a lot! And in turn, it’s hard to sense what WE are actually thinking and how we want to navigate these complicated times.

I have always prided myself in being a great listener to others. But what I realized is that there have been times I have not been a great listener to myself. The moments in which I felt my intuition tell me one thing and I have acted the other. Why did they happen in the first place you might ask? Well, Fear. Ego. Guilt. Letting other’s voices cloud my own instincts. And fundamentally, I had a desire to be loved and liked by others overpowered my intuition. I’m sure some of you can relate here.

But after you feel the repercussions of not listening to your intuition and you feel that pain so deeply, there’s a point where something has to change.

Two years ago, I hit that point. I said enough and started prioritizing that deep inner wisdom. And I started an exploration of not only deep listening, but also aligned action.

I started with these questions: What’s my own truth? How do I want to navigate these complicated times?

In order to answer those questions, I’ve realized I first need to get into my body and listen to my OWN inner voice, inner teacher and inner guide.

There are many definitions for INTUITION: direct access to unconscious knowledge; unconscious cognition; inner sensing; inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition; and the ability to understand something instinctively, without any need for conscious reasoning.

I call it that inner voice, the inner wisdom, the instinctual self that wants to protect you and guide you to your highest form of good.

But often, our connection to that inner voice, our intuition, is hard to hear or one can’t hear it at all or other’s voices become what we think is our own intuition.

Do you remember those times that your intuition was talking to you and you ignored that voice?

Well I sure do.

I remember the little moments...

Like that time I wasted $50 on an online workshop that I never used. I sensed it was money wasted as I pressed the pay button.

Or that time I ate something that made me feel off the rest of the day. And I sensed before I took that first bite that it wasn’t going to nourish me.

And I remember the big ones.

Like that time that I shouldn’t have signed that real estate partnership agreement. My intuition was screaming at me as I was signing. And instead, I had 2 years of a nightmare, painful work relationship.

Or that time that I should have never gone on that business trip, then I shouldn’t have had that last drink. I should have left. And instead, I was sexually assaulted.

Then there was a shift as I started to practice strengthening my intuition by getting into my body, reducing outside noise, deep listening and later taking action.

This formula led to some amazing, life-changing experiences…

Two years ago, I said “Yes!” to a 3-week Earth Priestess Facilitator’s Training embodying Tantric, Taoist and Shamanic Arts that jump-started a whole new chapter of my life. This training inspired me to a life-long dedication supporting women on their healing journeys.

Two months ago, I said “No” to investing further in a work partnership with a friend. Ohhhhh the freedom when I spoke my truth! This new found liberation opened up a whole month allowing me the space and energy to finally launch my business that was percolating for the last two years! It was not only an empowering experience, but also a healing one.

These moments have had a big impact on my life. By no means am I perfect at listening to my intuition because remember, it’s a practice. But I can say that my life has been richer, fuller and my spirit is more alive since committing to this process.

So how do we start strengthening our connection to our intuition?

  • Get into your body:
  • Dance, play, connect with nature, nourish, move, breath!
  • Check your ego - is it your mind or body guiding you?
  • Clear the space & listen:
  • Set boundaries and reduce distractions
  • Limit exposure to outside noise such as excess input from news
  • Create space to listen - meditation is a great start. City silence anyone? ;)
  • Recognize and get rid of other’s voices - their expectations, guilt, etc.
  • Start small: Take daily, mini- actions on your inner voice. For example, what does your body need right now? Maybe the answer is water - go drink water. Or a walk - go take that walk! Or to breathe - Take a deep belly breath.
  • Give yourself some grace: Release any desire for perfection. It takes time and practice to strengthen your intuition muscle.

So Dear Ones, in these times of uncertainty, I wish you to be courageous as you journey inwards and... “Listen to the inner hearing, the inner seeing, the inner being. Follow it. It knows what to do next.” - Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Women Who Run With the Wolves.

Natasha Roya Azizi leads Wild Wisdom, a collective for those curious to explore an intuitive, holistic approach to all things healthy living, sensuality and leadership through workshops, international immersions and 1-on-1 deep dives. She combines over a decade of experience in social impact businesses and community development with teachings from the ancient healing wisdoms - Ayurveda, Taoism, Tantra, Yoga, Reiki & the Shamanic Arts - to empower others to awaken their inner healer & leader.

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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