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Mindful Music Moments

Imagine an entire school – students, teachers, and administrators – taking time each morning to turn inward together, and listen to a brief mindfulness prompt and world-class music.

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Art Inspires Music, Inspires Art: Mindful Music In The Classroom

A photo of the sea split in the middle between a hazy grey sky above and dark open sea below.

"Caribbean Sea, Jamaica" by Hiroshi Sugimoto. © 1980 Hiroshi Sugimoto.

Students in Ms. Fair's class hold up their Seascape drawing against Sugimoto's photograph, inspired by the musical piece "Seascape" by Anna Clyne.

This semester, many of our Mindful Music schools listened to the beautiful third movement "Seascape" from Anna Clyne's 2016 orchestral suite "Abstractions." Each of the five movements from the suite was inspired by a piece of art found in the Baltimore Museum of Art. "Seascape" is inspired by the 1980 photograph "Caribbean Sea, Jamaica" by Japanese artist and architect Hiroshi Sugimoto. The photograph depicts the open Carribean sea in a deep blackish-brown color, with low and gentle waves fading into the distance against a hazy grey sky. The image creates a stark, yet tranquil contrast using the horizon placed precisely in the middle of the frame as a dividing line between the dark sea and the bright sky.

Without showing them the original photo, Ms. Fair– a music teacher in Kettering, Ohio–had a challenge for her young kindergarten students. After they listened to Clyne's "Seascape" (inspired by Sugimoto's "Caribbean Sea"), Ms. Fair asked the class to make their own collective picture inspired by the music. Students drew human figures, hearts, and various symbols and colors to represent how they were feeling. After discussing what they drew, Ms. Fair showed Sugimoto's original photo on the board.

"When I showed them the original they were shocked but then to MY surprise, they asked me to put the board on top of the original artwork and sure enough most of their characters and nature work fit right in. It was such a fun collaboration for all of us.

I love music that is art inspired...always interesting discussions. Thank you so much for these wonderful pieces of music and stories behind them."

It's beautiful to see how art inspires music which continues to inspire more creativity and connection in the classroom. Thank you Ms. Fair for sharing this story.

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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