
Mindful Music Moments

Imagine an entire school – students, teachers, and administrators – taking time each morning to turn inward together, and listen to a brief mindfulness prompt and world-class music.

Available For: Schools Schools Organizations Organizations Groups & Families Groups & Families Individuals Individuals

The Well's programs combine best practices in arts and wellness and are designed in partnership with those they serve. How do we create our programs? In partnership with others and especially those we serve.

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Mindful Music Features Music from Meow Wolf's Omega Mart

This month in Mindful Music Moments, we are excited to feature two selections from the soundtrack of Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart, an immersive art experience in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

Omega Mart is Meow Wolf's second permanent exhibition, which opened in February 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The fantastical flagship grocery store of Dramcorp, Omega Mart's parent corporation, this sprawling exploration of commerce was brought to life by hundreds of Meow Wolfers and dozens of collaborating artists from Las Vegas and around the world. Omega Mart promises deals on strange and beguiling products that are Sourced on-site in a supernatural factory. Guests to Omega Mart may shop for one-of-a-kind products, contribute their human element to the factory production process, and explore the ruins of an alien world. Omega Mart: "You have no idea what’s in Store for you!"

The Well team got to visit Omega Mart in the Fall of 2022 and fell in love with the explosive creativity and vibrancy of Meow Wolf’s work. We knew there had to be a way to bring more awareness to students about how we define “music” that contributes to the human musical canon, and about the broad-ranging career paths that are available as composers, artists, and designers. 

We landed on two particularly relaxing selections made of interesting electronic sounds: “Platinum Faucets Forever” by Curtis Lee and “Triple It” by Ben Wright. Our hope is that the vibrations of these pieces strike a unique chord with our listeners, and inspire them to explore new music, new sounds, and new experiences. 

Mindful Music Moments is FREE for 2023/24 for all PreK-12 schools in Nevada!

Learn more here.

Meow Wolf Omega Mart logo

Inside the Omega Mart grocery store.

Omega Mart at AREA15, Las Vegas.

Inside the Omega Mart Factory.

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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