
Mindful Music Moments

Imagine an entire school – students, teachers, and administrators – taking time each morning to turn inward together, and listen to a brief mindfulness prompt and world-class music.

Available For: Schools Schools Organizations Organizations Groups & Families Groups & Families Individuals Individuals

The Well's programs combine best practices in arts and wellness and are designed in partnership with those they serve. How do we create our programs? In partnership with others and especially those we serve.

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We love collaborating with local, national and international community partners and peoples in a variety of arts programming and mindfulness practices.

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A Visit to Canton - Notes From the Field

Today, I had the pleasure to visit with students and educators from Canton, Ohio, and with our partners at the Canton Symphony Orchestra about one of our newest Mindful Music Moments partnerships (beginning this school year 2023/24).

In the morning, I visited Worley Elementary which has been using Mindful Music Moments since August (read Worley's letter to parents in their Bulldog Bulletin). They have implemented it school-wide, playing it over the announcements first thing in the morning once students get to their classrooms. I visited a lovely 2nd-grade classroom during the Mindful Music Moment and asked students how they felt. Many said calm, relaxed, and ready to learn. And some wanted to learn to play an instrument because of the music they hear!

Then, I got to spend the afternoon with the amazing staff at the CSO. We listened to a Mindful Music Moment as a staff and it was exactly the pickup we needed during this grey, rainy week!

To end the day, I spoke with CSO's Manager of Education & Community Engagement, Caroline, at the Stark County Educational Service Center with the call for more schools in the Greater Canton area to join our Mindful Music cohort for 2024/25! If you or someone you know is interested, please reach out to me at bryce@thewell.world.

Our Mindful Music schools and partners are all across the country and I'm always so grateful when I can make time to visit!


Bryce with the staff of the Canton Symphony Orchestra

Bryce taking a selfie in front of Worley Elementary

Visiting Worley Elementary

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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