
Mindful Music Moments

Imagine an entire school – students, teachers, and administrators – taking time each morning to turn inward together, and listen to a brief mindfulness prompt and world-class music.

Available For: Schools Schools Organizations Organizations Groups & Families Groups & Families Individuals Individuals

The Well's programs combine best practices in arts and wellness and are designed in partnership with those they serve. How do we create our programs? In partnership with others and especially those we serve.

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We love collaborating with local, national and international community partners and peoples in a variety of arts programming and mindfulness practices.


We are a small yet mighty team, dedicated to making a big difference with what we have. Your support means the world to us.

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Notes on Accessibility From The 2023 LEAD Conference

I recently had the joy of attending the 2023 Leadership Exchange in Arts & Disability (LEAD®) Conference on behalf of The Well, thanks to funding from the Ohio Arts Council


The LEAD® Conference not only introduces those new to the field to cultural accessibility solutions, but provides ongoing learning, support, camaraderie, and inspiration—necessary fuel for anyone working to change the status quo. Attendees can tap into the collective “brain trust” of arts managers from museums, theaters, parks, zoos, libraries, and other cultural venues from around the world to bring solutions back to their organizations across the country.

It was an extra treat to see some new and familiar faces from Cincinnati and Ohio! 

With the anticipation of a new website for The Well, new daily video content and print materials for Mindful Music Moments, and The Well's ever-growing library of online resources, we're so excited to begin our journey toward making participation in all of our programs, practices, and connection at The Well equally accessible for all.

Adapting our extensive resource library for improved accessibility will require time. If you come across any accessibility concerns that require urgent attention, please contact us at info@TheWell.World, and we'll investigate promptly.

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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We are a small yet mighty team, dedicated to making a big difference with what we have. Your support means the world to us.


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